Recent content by The Dusty Taco

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  1. The Dusty Taco

    US West Another great snow camping coming up.

    I’ll be heading up Friday after work if anyone is interested in going later on in the day.
  2. The Dusty Taco

    US West Monache Meadows trip for Visalia Ca group and anyone wanting to join in.

    Trying to work the details out if we will head up in the morning with you or later on Friday afternoon.
  3. The Dusty Taco

    US West Courtright Reservoir

    You should be fine. If we stay at the last place the group was at, it’s an actual campsite paved all the way there. Last time some of us did dispersed camping like 5 min away from the lake and it was a nice location.
  4. The Dusty Taco

    US West Courtright Reservoir

    Hoping to make it. I’ll keep you posted.
  5. The Dusty Taco

    US West Meet and greet in Visalia CA

    Should be able to make it. See you guys there.
  6. The Dusty Taco

    Fresno / Clovis & surrounding areas

    We have meet ups in Visalia and head out that way for trips. Keep an eye out on the rally points and feel free to join in on the meets.
  7. The Dusty Taco

    US West Snow camping above Fresno CA

    It’s going to be a last minute call for me. But even if I’m able it will most likely be just a one nighter for me.
  8. The Dusty Taco

    Kern River in Central California

    Check out the keysville recreational area under lake Isabella.
  9. The Dusty Taco

    Overlanding near sequoia

    Did you ever make it out to sequoia? I just got back from going up into kings canyon national park. Grants grove is open and you can see giant sequoias there. I did dispersed camping up by Hume lake where it becomes national forest. Hume is good for fishing too.
  10. The Dusty Taco

    Overlanding near sequoia

    Sequoia national park is closed about six miles into the park, so the giant sequoias are inaccessible there. Your best bet is up in kings canyon national park to see the large sequoia trees. There are dispersed campsites around the Hume lake area. I’m not sure how accessible shaver lake area is.
  11. The Dusty Taco

    Overlanding near sequoia

    I’m not familiar with any dispersed camping close to the park entry by Three rivers/198. How far north of sequoia were you directed to?
  12. The Dusty Taco

    US West Visalia CA Meet and Greet

    Should be able to make it.
  13. The Dusty Taco

    US West Visalia CA trip to Bald Mountain not Monache Meadows

    I’ve done Monache meadows a few times. There is really only one section that is pretty rutted out but doable by choosing the right line. I’ve never done bald mountain but my understanding is stock trucks have been known to make it. Maybe someone can correct me if I’m wrong.
  14. The Dusty Taco

    US West Visalia CA trip to Bald Mountain not Monache Meadows

    If Monache meadows is closed, we are planning to do bald mountain above shaver lake. We will do the trail and then set up a base camp for both nights.
  15. The Dusty Taco

    US West Visalia CA trip to Bald Mountain not Monache Meadows

    Yeah, nothing too crazy. Just the one loose rutted out section has gotten a little deeper. You get an occasional big rock in the middle of the trail, but you can easily go around them. It is a fun trip though.