Recent content by Summit435

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  1. Summit435

    Members Instagram ID

    @Summit435 ;)
  2. Summit435

    XCXplorer - 3rd Gen 2018 Toyota Tacoma

    Awesome pics, I know I’m late to the party but welcome and awesome build. See on the Utah trails...
  3. Summit435

    Cast Iron or No? (weight right now is not an issue for me)

    If weight is not an issue or cargo room then take them. I only carry a cast iron pan for bacon lol, safe travels Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  4. Summit435 App

    I will do that and thank you Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  5. Summit435 App

    Yeah, I have run through those issues so we update all the time. Thank you for the heads up on Gaia, we had no idea about this system. We will look into it. Again this for us is only secondary, our primary is maps and then our Garmin handheld systems. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  6. Summit435 App

    Awesome, make sure to download the map so you have no issues when you are in an out of service area. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  7. Summit435


    Hey Jake, Thanks for the warm welcome and love your YouTube channel. If your back in Utah, let me know. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  8. Summit435

    New Member Sunshine Coast QLD

    Welcome!!! Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  9. Summit435

    Hello everyone

    Welcome... Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  10. Summit435 App

    Hi everyone, I been looking at the feed about mapping systems when off road. This might be for someone on a budget but still needs something they can use when there is no more signal. I can say the app is really good and pretty dam accurate. I volunteer as search and rescue, the unit...
  11. Summit435


    Hi Overlandbond family, Well not so new to the group but new to what all has been built since I joined. My name is Frankie and OBM 0435, Instagram summit435. I hope to learn from the group and hopefully I can help teach where I can. If I posted to the wrong thing, you guys will have to let me...