Thanks for setting this up Bill and Reno Overlanders... This is a very good run into one of the most scenic alpine mountain ranges in the Reno area. Count us in and see you at the meetup spot.
Klondike Bluffs Trail Moab Utah 2021
Sierrabob and Mari did the run solo. We waited until 10 am just incase someone arrive late.
Opinion, this trail would have been trouble if we had multiple vehicles and met other vehicles coming up. There are several stretches where the road is narrow and overgrown and with a scary drop off...
Yes a very good run. No locked gates, light traffic and beautiful scenery. After a break and lunch on Genoa Peak a few of us continued south and found the 1964 Paradise airlines Constellation crash site. Took some exploring to find it and we paid our respects at the memorials.
Thanks Bill for calling this run, always wanted to go up to Genoa Peak, Bob and Mari are in.
Jeep is down at the moment and working on it in my garage, ball joints and all steering bars being replaced. Waiting on a draglink and should have it up and running by next week.
Edit: Completed the...
Thanks Connie for the terrific video. Thanks Arron for leading us and thanks Bill and Scott for organizing. It was good to get out and the run was excellent and the group very cool. Bob and Mari
Bob and Mari are In... Weather permitting! I've been wanting to run this trail for years and never have had the chance and excited to give it a try. But understand closers at this time of the year happen.
Also anytime I can attend a first aid class I'm in... Never can tell when you are going...
Bob and Mari would attend but we will be on a Jeep run doing the HOW, Heart of the West, during the Aug meeting time.
Also will be on an overland pre-run doing the California north coast at the time of the September...
Pre-run Peterson Mountain Trail today is on. Haven't logged in lately and didn't know you made posts, sorry about that.
You can do the trails with 32'. I have done all the trails but the boulder section with a stock wrangler with 30's. I don't have tracks yet. At the one difficult section we...
Lake behind rider is White Lake, in dry years it is a white playa and is used by wind sailors. The Lake to the left is Silver Lake another usually dry playa but with the change in climate, it's been full for a few years now.
The mountain in the middle is Peavine mountain.
Reno Overland Bound Groups first ride.
Water crossing at Dry Valley Creek along the Winnemucca Ranch Road April 2018
Our Lunch destination, Newcome Springs near NewCome Lake.
Wild horses below Stateline Peak
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