My name is Ron Pippin, married to my lovely wife Lori for 38 years. We have two children, Jennifer (33) and Marcus (27). I am an avid fly fisherman as our place in Montana is on the Madison River. We split our time in California and Montana, I have recently retired from and sold one of my businesses and now manage commercial properties that I have developed. So I consider myself pretty much retired.
I have always been involved with cars in one form or another. I really have had a great time restoring and outfitting my 85 FJ60, I initially restored the truck, head to toe, top to bottom retaining the original motor. After bringing it up to Montana and towing a drift boat, the truck was extremely under powered for my use. I then installed a LS3 Chevrolet E-Rod conversion with an advanced Adapters bolt up to the H55 5 speed. Very nice conversion, extremely pleased with the choice.
- Birthday
Dec 15, 1956
(Age: 68)
- Location
Oakdale, Ca / Cameron Montana
- Member #
- Gender
- Region
- Vehicle Year Make Model
85 Toyota Land Cruiser
- Occupation
Property Management
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