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Hi all I'm Matt so let me tell you a story of woe, I had a dream of Overlanding and adventure and travel the problem was a decide to ignore all the advice I was given and went out and picked up a lovely discovery 3. with in the first year of ownership I had spend about £5000-£6000 just keeping it on the road with problem after problem so I gave up.....

now I'm back with a 2003 plate Land Cruiser 120 and gosh I hope this one does not let me down because the wife won't let me forget how much money I wasted on "the last one".

so hoping to slowly build up my new truck get out to some camping trips then as my daughter grows up start going further again.
Aug 9, 1982 (Age: 42)
Shropshire England
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Last Name
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Vehicle Year Make Model
2003 Toyota Land Cruiser 120
advanced paramedic practitioner
Ham/GMRS Callsign
OB Responder
OB Contact
Contact Me


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