Recent content by PapaDave

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  1. PapaDave

    US Northwest North Idaho/Eastern Washington March Trip Frenchman Coulee/Douglas Creek Area

    Reposting this here as well for everyone: On the app make sure have the eye in the top right selected so you get alerts when we post on the main thread. I personally use my iPad and the webpage version as I find it to make more sense to me. On the webpage version the top right will have a WATCH...
  2. PapaDave

    US Northwest North Idaho/Eastern Washington March Trip Frenchman Coulee/Douglas Creek Area

    I am looking forward to camping! I had to work the weekend of the Canada trip in February so it feels like forever. Also looking forward to the April trip to Kootenay Lake in ole Canada lead by Mr Cody @Codeman
  3. PapaDave

    US Northwest Palouse Falls and Juniper Sand Dunes

    I have an aftermarket stealth bumper with winch already. But now I’m going for more protection to protect the front end from animal strikes or trees on the trail. It is a full bumper similar to ARB but not that brand.
  4. PapaDave

    US Northwest Palouse Falls and Juniper Sand Dunes

    I hope it’s a fun trip, I’m installing my new full bumper for my tundra. :grinning:
  5. PapaDave

    US Northwest North Idaho/Eastern Washington March Trip Frenchman Coulee/Douglas Creek Area

    Make sure the eye at the top right (mobile) is yellowed for this thread or WATCH is clicked on the web forum.
  6. PapaDave

    US Northwest Inland Northwest Adventure Group- Eastern WA/North Idaho/Western Montana

    There’s a trip that just added for this saturday March 8th March 22-23rd is the single night trip to Frenchman’s Coulee...
  7. PapaDave

    CA West Canada Kootenay Lake - Ainsworth Hotsprings trip

    As I prepare to fly to Colorado, to be locked in a hotel for four days, I hope that your trip is amazing. It looks beautiful and I’ll definitely have to hit that sometime in the future. Safe travels and have a blast, living an adventurous life.
  8. PapaDave

    US Northwest North Idaho/Eastern Washington March Trip Frenchman Coulee/Douglas Creek Area

    This video shows a little of what to expect as far as topography
  9. PapaDave

    US Northwest North Idaho/Eastern Washington March Trip Frenchman Coulee/Douglas Creek Area

    This location is insanely beautiful, looking forward to it!
  10. PapaDave

    Nature Photos

    North Idaho Panhandle NF
  11. PapaDave

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    I recently added my privacy tent back onto my rig using a telescoping TV mount. It locks when in motion. I needed to get distance away from the truck as well as move backwards to miss the ladder that comes down from the rooftop tent.
  12. PapaDave

    US Northwest Inland Northwest Adventure Group- Eastern WA/North Idaho/Western Montana

    You may be getting outdated alerts and that is an issue because of the recent spam attack the website had previously. You can ignore those.
  13. PapaDave

    Let's see those full size rigs - Trucks & SUV

    Death Valley
  14. PapaDave

    US Northwest Inland Northwest Adventure Group- Eastern WA/North Idaho/Western Montana

    FYI the trip to the Southwest is up for the end of March! Thanks Dubya’s! @Michael @Kent R @Kent R @Codeman @Indian Paintbrush Girl @AcJ @Jeb @Big Red Burb @Bodge Garage @Buzzbee17 @Dilldog @G.Goodwin...
  15. PapaDave

    CA West Canada Kootenay Lake - Ainsworth Hotsprings trip

    I am heartbroken, distraught and disturbed I will be at my national sales meeting trapped in a hotel all weekend. I wanted to ride the ferry. And get instagram ferry boat shots like a real overlander. Someday.