Recent content by OBDave

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  1. OBDave

    For Sale Smittybilt Rooftop Tent 2783

    SOLD RTT is located in Albertville AL and the price is $700. Will not ship
  2. OBDave

    Lets see some trail photos!

    Colorado Gunnison National Forest
  3. OBDave

    Parks On The Air

    I am a POTA guy heading to Oregon on the Trans America Trail. My goal is to activate as many parks as possible on this trip. My gear will be 2 FT-891's, IC-7000 and several antenna's from Ham Stick, WRC with the 17' whip and end feds. Taking my KX2 for some qrp contacts and my portable...
  4. OBDave

    Do I really need to bring extra gas?

    I have a big cross-country trip this summer and yes, I will be carrying some extra gas.
  5. OBDave

    Alabama Hills Information

    Not in Alabama :tonguewink:
  6. OBDave

    HAM Radios

    Congratulations on passing the test!
  7. OBDave

    Ham Radio Operators... Mobile, HT, or Both?

    I run a FTM300DR with APRS KN4OK-9, monitor 146.52, FT-891 for HF. 2 HT's that cover 2,220, 430 and GMRS/FRS. Kenwood TH-72A and Satellite antenna. Separate IC-7000 to hook with the digital on HF. Midland CB radio and monitor ch 19. Hamstick antenna on the jeep and several portable...
  8. OBDave

    US West Ham Radio Weekly NET

    Any HF nets?
  9. OBDave

    Dangerous National Parks

    We have been to 4 of the 10, but going to be picking up some new ones this summer
  10. OBDave

    Thanks Amanda, everything worked perfect and now I am an investor LOL Heading to the west Coast...

    Thanks Amanda, everything worked perfect and now I am an investor LOL Heading to the west Coast on the Trans-America Trail this summer. I love it up in Ontario. Maybe someday they will open the borders normal again. Safe travels
  11. OBDave

    HAM Radios

    There are others, but here is one study link: HamTestOnline - Study for your Ham Radio License Exam Having your General and higher could save your life. Once you get your license, message me and I will help you.
  12. OBDave

    Do you have to register on the link page before investing? I am already a member.

    Do you have to register on the link page before investing? I am already a member.
  13. OBDave

    Trans-America Trail

    Heading back on the Trans-America Trail late June and going back to where we left off, Eastern OK. Our trip will take us all the Pacific coast in Oregon. Very excited and can't wait.
  14. OBDave

    gps tablet help

    I use an 8" tablet running Back Country Navigator and a regular Garmin. My phone is one of my backups.