Recent content by MtnManAmI

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  1. MtnManAmI

    Sierra Grandstand Tour_ easy family fun run. - 09/09/2017

    Thanks! I'm still waiting for the Forest Service to get back to me, so I'll be sure to let you know either way.
  2. MtnManAmI

    Sierra Grandstand Tour_ easy family fun run. - 09/09/2017

    I imagine that this will end up being a multi-year project, with me returning to the trail every three years (at least) to just keep the trail well maintained, so I'll be sure to return to this thread as often as I do. Thanks!!
  3. MtnManAmI

    Sierra Grandstand Tour_ easy family fun run. - 09/09/2017

    Hey everyone! I have been working out details with the Forest Service, and have been approved to provide a day of service on the Sierra Grandstand trail. I'll be posting a new thread, but wanted to hit this thread up as well in case anyone would be interested. I'm currently planning on Friday...
  4. MtnManAmI

    Sierra Grandstand Tour_ easy family fun run. - 09/09/2017

    Thanks Chris! I'll be sure to re-visit this thread once we have a plan in place. I'll be coming from Utah to do the work on the trail, so I'm needing as many "local" connections as I can get!
  5. MtnManAmI

    Sierra Grandstand Tour_ easy family fun run. - 09/09/2017

    Thank you for this Info!!! This was very helpful. I'm hoping to get out there next Summer, and will use this information you provided. Thanks!
  6. MtnManAmI

    Sierra Grandstand Tour_ easy family fun run. - 09/09/2017

    Can anyone tell me what the condition of the trail was in when you did this trip two months ago? I was under the impression that the trail has been neglected for several years, and was going to organize a project with overlanders to clear up any debris. My grandfather, Herbert McLean, helped get...