My wife and I live in Central WA with our two dogs. Very close to retiring and looking forward to it! We love the outdoors and get out as much as possible. Road and MTB cycling are both big as is activities with our dogs.
My wife is not on board with overlanding, but supports my interest in it.
I have been into diesel trucks since the purchase of my first one in 2002. I'm a Cummins fan that can appreciate the Ford and Chevy fans.
- Location
Central WA
- First Name
- Last Name
- Gender
- Region
- Vehicle Year Make Model
2015 Ram 2500 Cummins, 4x4, SB w/ARE Z Canopy, Cargo Glide bed slide, Carli Backcountry Suspension, Method Wheels 17", 35/12.5/17 Open Country tires
- Occupation
Firefighter - Retired
- Ham/GMRS Callsign
2015 Ram 2500 I6.7 CC SB 4x4, ARE Z Series, Carli Backcountry, Method 315 wheels, 35/12.5/17 AT, Vision X light bar
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