Recent content by motorpig60

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  1. motorpig60

    Tacoma Front Tow Shackle

    Yeah, that seems pretty expensive. I'll just do mine myself, I hate paying labor. With the Warn bumper and 9500# winch, I was about $1100 in parts.
  2. motorpig60

    Tacoma Front Tow Shackle

    Damn, I was holding out for the Warn Slimline because I didn't want to cut. My local dealer said there was no cutting but the instructions appear to note otherwise. Thanks for the info.
  3. motorpig60

    First aid kit advice?

    Interesting. I come from the firearms instructor/law enforcement side of it, and TQ's are a staple of medical care. I wouldn't go hiking, overlanding, shooting or motorcycle riding without one. In each of my vehicles, I have 2 tourniquets, nasal airway, chest needle, basic...
  4. motorpig60

    Tacoma Front Tow Shackle

    That's what I'm doing. I'm going with a slimline bumper and winch, eventually.
  5. motorpig60

    Truck Toppers: ARE vs. Leer

    I have a Leer 100XR. I went to buy the 100XL, but the saleman actually talked me into the lower model. I take my dog with me on trips and the XR has half slider side windows, vs the XL, which has the SUV style pop out rears. So far, I am extremely happy. I looked at Leer, ARE and Century, with...
  6. motorpig60

    Tacoma Front Tow Shackle

    Would the front hook location work?
  7. motorpig60

    Rig Photos

    2017 Tacoma TRD OR. Pretty stock for now, minus the wheels and cap. In the next bit, I'm looking at a 2" lift, sliders, slimline/low pro metal front bumper and maybe a roof rack/basket on the cap.
  8. motorpig60

    First Responders - Overland Bound Emblem Rocker

    Definitely! All in good fun. I was a Medic on the SWAT team for about 7 years while I was a FF. The Police Chief poached me about 6 years ago to make the switch.
  9. motorpig60

    What is your rigs name

    My son called mine MurderTaco, so that's what stuck.
  10. motorpig60

    First Responders - Overland Bound Emblem Rocker

    Michael, thank you very much for the support of public safety. I agree with others about not putting LEO identifying items on your rig but, I think this logo is fine, as it doesn't scream "Cop!" I would put my unit number or something like that. I think it would still be fairly discreet. Chris...
  11. motorpig60

    Ohio Roll-Call!

    Here from the south Dayton suburbs. I'm looking forward to some trails in my Tacoma TRD OR later this year.
  12. motorpig60

    Legal Weapons and Overlanding

    On motorcycle trips, I always have my Glock 19 on me. In the truck, I also carry my 8" .300 BLK folding pistol or, less often, my SCAR 16 10.5" rifle.
  13. motorpig60

    4 Wheel Parts experience

    I ordered my wheels from them. They were the best price and got here within 40 hours of ordering. They just put a brick store in just down the road from me, but I haven't been there yet. Online it was a good experience for me. Sent from my LG-H901 using OB Talk mobile app
  14. motorpig60

    What boots do members wear

    I wear Danner Patrol Gore Tex pretty much any time I have long pants on. While they need resoled in the worst way, the pair I wear on my motorcycle(almost every day) are 14 years old. They started as my duty boot, then got rotated out after 5 years. They are heavy and expensive, but I haven't...
  15. motorpig60

    Hello from Cincinnati

    Thanks, I originally wanted gray but, after a long story, ended up with black, so I decided to go ALL black. I'll ride most of the year, just taking a week or two off periodically. Usually, if it's above 15-20 degrees and fairly dry, I'll ride. Although, I like this truck so much, I have been...