Recent content by Mathes

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  1. Mathes

    Massachusetts Sound Off!

    19 trailboss. Great truck, does what I need it for
  2. Mathes

    Massachusetts Sound Off!

    I can't do a ton of off road with my rig xD. It's a wee bit bigger now a days, and slightly top heavy! So I just camp and hang mostly.
  3. Mathes

    Massachusetts Sound Off!

    Yeah, I haven't been super active on here lately! I haven't been camping a lot this year either! Sad times! How about yall, getting out anywhere good?
  4. Mathes

    Fixing up the good ol' sunline

    Almost done! Full cedar celling installed! Looks pretty mint
  5. Mathes

    Fixing up the good ol' sunline

    For those of you who care, still going strong! Almost done!
  6. Mathes

    Fixing up the good ol' sunline

    I got it all closed up and pretty, next was the spray foam, which was a time, got that all filled. After the foam cured, I got to trim all the over expanded foam which took way longer then I wanted. Then I got to start the part which pulls it all together! Cedar cellings!
  7. Mathes

    Fixing up the good ol' sunline

    Wednesday update!
  8. Mathes

    Fixing up the good ol' sunline

    That she will be, she was a mess xD but now I have no worries
  9. Mathes

    Fixing up the good ol' sunline

    So I was going through my camper early this season because I knew it needed some work.... oh boy did it ever! It's a sunline runabout 1986, a good 10 years older then myself. I thought I had some problems! I'm kidding, it's not all that bad, but it has been a project so far! Noticed a leak...
  10. Mathes

    Rig photo

    Handles great, a wee bit tippy feeling, but it's solid. The runabout is pretty light compared to most slide ins. We're getting closer and closer to our first trip of the year!
  11. Mathes

    Rig photo

    Nice rig you got there. Mines a 2019 silverado trailboss and a 1986 sunline runabout
  12. Mathes

    What next?

    I'm out on sandy nexk Beach, so I've got all my stuff too board, jacks, shovel, measuring tape (they have some strange requirements on that list) but like I said, just got bags in, and an onboard compresser so that's my upcoming project. Also a auxbeam control panel for it all. So I've got my...
  13. Mathes

    What next?

    It is a heavy girl, but she's a sunline so it's meant for a 1500. But I just got bags in so those will be installed soon.
  14. Mathes

    Drones Pics and Videos

    Only slightly above legal height.... shhhh
  15. Mathes


    You're on my side of the world! Southern mass here! Welcome aboard!