Hi there, My name is Edward, I have been and OB member since 1/16 and am very excited to go on some group trips and explore some of my PNW back country with like minded individuals. I have been known to dabble in all things outdoor i.e. fishing, panning, metal detecting, surfing, hiking, mountain biking, stargazing, storm watching, photography and camping......especially camping.....My area of expertise is exploring the seemingly endless forest roads deep within the Cascade Mountain range on the US-2/I-90 corridor. Ive drive a highly modified expedition worthy 3rd Gen 4Runner and hope to make it to central america one day!
- Birthday
Dec 20, 1991
(Age: 32)
- Location
Monroe, Wa
- Member #
- Gender
- Vehicle Year Make Model
2000 Toyota 4Runner
Toytec/bilstein coilovers w/5100's all around
CVT Mt. Shasta Extended Series w/annex
CBI Off road custom front bumper
CBI Off road Custom rear bumper w/swingout, fold down table, camp lighting, and AUX fuel.
Power Stop slotted front rotors
And too much more little things to add.
- Occupation
Recreational Marijuana Processor
- OB Responder
- OB Contact
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"The mountains are calling, and I must go." -John Muir
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