Just your average outdoors man, hunter, and explorer. I’m always trying to go way back into Utah or Colorado. I live in Arizona so I’m pretty much exploring Arizona constantly. I try to get out doors at least three times a week. Someone might say it’s excessive but I gotta do it. I work full time tig welding copper and stainless steel water and fire features for pools all over the US. My dreams will be to have front and rear curry 44 axle, disk breaks front and rear, kings coil overs, definitely a roam roof top tent, jcr off-roading roof racks and possibly bumpers. I definitely will be able to do all this hopefully over the next year or so but I feel I’m off to a good start. I’ve been building an off-road trailer for a gx460 for about a year now and I finally have a dead line for it. It’s for 31/10.5/16 inch wheels a roof top tent 11 gallons of water 20 gallons of fuel 100l of ice chests, slide out three burner stove, and 5 gallon propane many many more things to list but I guess that’s a good back story on what I’ve been doing for the last 4 years!
- Location
Mesa Arizona
- First Name
- Last Name
- Member #
- Gender
- Region
- Vehicle Year Make Model
1998 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 inline 6
- Occupation
Welder and fabricator
- OB Responder
- OB Contact
Contact Me
- Instagram (name only)
Cobe Allen @cobes____347
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