Recent content by boxtoutside

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  1. boxtoutside

    LBL Saturday 5/09/20

    Was anyone out and about last Saturday? I ran across a few jeeps on Saturday running this route with the family. 318 was a great road. There were several creek crossings and just a couple dried out muddy rut areas. But, it was alot of fun in the Outback. Only drug the receiver on one crossing...
  2. boxtoutside

    Middle TN Meetup?

    I might be interested in coming down from Kentucky too.
  3. boxtoutside

    Overland Bound KY People who is out there?

    @boogiedynamite and @Crankbrother I'm in Benton, KY too.
  4. boxtoutside

    Newbie Trailer build. AT-ST

    Thanks for posting. I'm considering a similar build with bike storage at trailer level and a rack above for a roof top tent.
  5. boxtoutside

    Members Instagram ID

    @boxtoutside just started with the purchase of the new rig. Working on documenting alot more.
  6. boxtoutside

    Subaru Owners Registry

    New subaru member here! 2020 onyxt XT. Glad to see so many on here.
  7. boxtoutside


    Name is Brent and I've been interested in overlanding for a long time. I started with a Chevy Trailblazer, Ford Excursion, and now a Subaru Outback. No epic trips yet, but always planning the next outing. Currently exploring the Land Between the Lakes Area in Western Kentucky. The outback is a...