Recent content by Beretta4x4

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  1. Beretta4x4

    US Southwest Chasing Campfires Presents: Camp Every Weekend in October Challenge

    Getting drunk and handing out candy. Happy Halloween, gang!
  2. Beretta4x4

    US Southwest Chasing Campfires Presents: Camp Every Weekend in October Challenge

    That's not too bad for a single night. I love those meads.
  3. Beretta4x4

    US Southwest Chasing Campfires Presents: Camp Every Weekend in October Challenge

    Tommy is bringing two bundles, I'll have 1 bundle. Also...
  4. Beretta4x4

    US Southwest Chasing Campfires Presents: Camp Every Weekend in October Challenge

    Only shows a couple spots in Korea, a bunch of local spots and a couple new Mexico and Colorado spots.
  5. Beretta4x4

    US Southwest Chasing Campfires Presents: Camp Every Weekend in October Challenge

    Mine doesn't show anything. I'm probably doing it wrong.
  6. Beretta4x4

    US Southwest Chasing Campfires Presents: Camp Every Weekend in October Challenge

    I'll wait for you guys. I hate using lat long lol
  7. Beretta4x4

    US Southwest Chasing Campfires Presents: Camp Every Weekend in October Challenge

    Whenever you need me to be. I don't know the spot you prefer, just the spot we camped with you last time.
  8. Beretta4x4

    US Southwest Chasing Campfires Presents: Camp Every Weekend in October Challenge

    I'll be there around noon. Crossing our fingers would help lol