Recent content by Bagallthethings

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  1. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    I havnt frequented on here in a while. They closed the pnw Facebook page down, and the app is garbage now adays. Finally picked up our lonepeak camper on Tuesday after 1 1/2 year wait. I pulled the wood setup out a few months ago due to weight, and designed and built an interior out of extruded...
  2. Bagallthethings

    Decided to make my own fire pits

    About 3 reply up from this I added a photo with all the pricing
  3. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    After a week or so, I decided I wasn't liking that the cabinets on the right side were higher than the bench and I didn't have a completely flat surface when I put in the filler panel in the middle. Now I've got completely flat, a space specifically for my water, and a table that pops up and...
  4. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    Added some removable deviders today, and pulled the last cabinet I had installed in the canopy. Built a cover plate and got my recovery gear and awning walls in behind the bench to the left. I'll be covering that in carpet as well. Slowly but surely getting this done in the small amount of spare...
  5. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    Got some good paint applied, slowly running out of things we can do until the camper is ready to go. Just need lone peak to get rolling on production and get an eta for install
  6. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    Slides showed up yesterday. Didn't plan for the tailgate that doesn't find does flat like I thought lol.
  7. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    UPS has failed to deliver my drawer slides for 3 days now. They refuse to leave the package but it doesn't need to be signed for so not sure what's going on. I used measurements off of drawer slides I already had and decided to make the pull-out drawer today. I think I'll add some dividers that...
  8. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    I looked into the bed rug, but decided against it, ended up doing 3/4" plywood to have a solid base to attach everything to. If I was leaving the bed empty, the bedrug would have been my go to for sure
  9. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    Added a 12v and sae plug to the front bench, got the power system all hooked back up and working. Also did a temp counter top until the camper is installed and then will be swapped out for a butcher block top. Drawer slides got delayed and won't be here until next week. Also ordered a 12v...
  10. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    I've thought about a few options. With little kids and the PNW winters, I decided on carpet for the feet so it's not too cold. I did order marine carpet for boats and has a pvc backing on it, so water shouldn't be an issue I hope. Only time will tell! I'll be putting it on with spray glue so...
  11. Bagallthethings

    Decided to make my own fire pits

    Anywhere from $100 to $250. As of now, only selling to locals as it's extremely expensive to ship. Shipped one 30 miles and it was $48
  12. Bagallthethings

    Decided to make my own fire pits

    Here in Washington, it seems every year, the burn ban gets longer and longer. I used to carry around one of those $200 round propane fire pits everyone has, but the heat output and amount of space they take up sucks. Designed, cut, and built my own fire pit and now sell them to locals. Fold...
  13. Bagallthethings

    DIY ovs 270 wall kit

    I've had the ovs awning for a couple years, and not once have I seen their wall kit go on sale, and their pricing on it is a bit more than I am looking to spend. Decided to tackle to job and make my own. 5 tarps from harbor freight, a sewing machine, a few rolls of sew on velcro, and everything...
  14. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    Got a little more done today. Drawer slides got delayed until next week, so almost to a stand still until those show up.
  15. Bagallthethings

    New build coming for our zr2

    I had a little bit of time today between jobs to work on this. I got the right side dialed in. I can't do much on the top until the camper is installed. I may build a temporary top just so it doesn't look super unfinished. Not too worried about the few spots that I nicked the wrong areas with my...