Join our Forums!

Our forums are the heart of our community, and a wealth of information for new and experienced overlanders alike. It is made up of trans-continental travelers, folks who have been on the road for decades, and weekend travelers, and focus on sharing information freely....

Become a Member

Thank YOU! By becoming a Member, you support our mission, and become a part of an awesome community focused on sharing information and resources to outfit and explore!   Our Mission: We provide information and resources necessary for EVERYONE to OVERLAND beyond...

FieldCraft Survival Kit

It is Overland Bound’s mission to make overlanding accessible to everyone. It is important that we don’t lose sight of the safety and survival requirements of a life on the road or in the great outdoors. Our friends FieldCraft Survival are on a mission to...

Overland Trip: Alabama Hills, CA

An adventure from the archives complete with pictures of a *very* young Overland Bound rig! We hope this inspires you to think about YOUR next adventure. Original Date: May 2011 Destination: Alabama Hills – Lone Pine, CA Starting Point: Oakland, CA Total Miles...

Land Cruising Adventure!

Since the beginning of Overland Bound, we have followed and been inspired by the journey of Karin-Marijke and Coen of Land Cruising Adventure.  When asked what they like most about Overlanding, the answer was simple. “Freedom. Tossing the coin.” Not...