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  1. rgallant

    Overlanding with bears?

    Living in BC black bears are incredibly common, everywhere. The biggest thing is being aware of where you are going to camp. If there is a lot of garbage on the ground, or bear crap move on. As noted most bear problems are bears used to eating human garbage/food, older less capable predatory...
  2. rgallant

    Wiring Advice needed.

    @Quacken it will work , but as noted check your radio. My Kenwwod pulls 4/6/13 ish amps Low/Med/Hi power. Most radio docs will provide the amp draw
  3. rgallant


    Just going to toss this out there, I am in BC and regularly camp 50 or more miles away from anything. I rarely see any large animals at all, camped near small lakes and flats along creeks. Could Bigfoot exist sure, lots of food and basically empty wilderness for most of BC, but until the...
  4. rgallant

    Is a three axle HZJ79 a good idea?

    @Septimusus Given the stock truck had a gross vehicle weight of 3200KG they added 460 KG before you put anything in the truck that engine and transmission are going to struggle. But not knowing the construction method and having an unknown air suspension system, would be a hard pass for me.
  5. rgallant

    Squamish to Gibsons: The Mythical Track

    Well this route been rumored for literally 50 years that I am aware of, and while it is possible that one did exist, the trick would be to find it. A lot of the transmission towers are brought in and serviced by helicopter so even the pipeline trail could be very marginal. In the old days a lot...
  6. rgallant

    Is a three axle HZJ79 a good idea?

    I am going with stay away, it looks like they added an axle to support the camper. It is really more of an RV than a camper, you can see the access from the cab. So it will be very underpowered, unless a significant engine upgrade was done
  7. rgallant

    Overlanding with an EV

    And the range is the issue at least here in BC, where charging stations are still pretty rare outside major highways. You can definitely car camp to major campgrounds but there are not many of those in comparison to no service campsites. So the big one here close to Vancouver is Manning...
  8. rgallant

    Xj vs Zj vs 4 Runner

    Keeping to a narrow stock sized tire will help
  9. rgallant

    Overland Bound Vanlifers

    Not a vanlife person but nice picture
  10. rgallant

    Is Electro-Overlanding a thing yet?

    @Downs Well in a automotive sense you more limited, space and weight really. Although I suppose you could set up an on demand system, run on electric when the battery gets to a certain point the diesel kicks in and starts adding charge to the battery to keep you going. I do not know how...
  11. rgallant

    Is Electro-Overlanding a thing yet?

    @Downs that is an interesting idea diesel/electric heavy vehicles for short range heavy gear.
  12. rgallant

    Diesel heat

    Just a note the all-in-heaters one are not really weather proof and there is no such thing a 8KW heat are just 5KW marketed as higher
  13. rgallant

    Overlanding with an EV

    And jet packs damm it, but to fair Ev-points abut city use for Ev's are pretty valid in a lot of places, and finding better power generation is a good idea. But Wind and Solar are a best band aids on a commercial/utility scale as they are not power on demand but great for home owners. On the...
  14. rgallant

    How did you get where you are now?

    7 years old in the back of station-wagon, with my 4 siblings a dog, mom and dad. 100 or more miles from nowhere fishing for 3 or 4 days. It kinda of stuck with me and I have been wandering for nearly 60 years now.
  15. rgallant

    Overlanding with an EV

    @EV-offroad it is nice to have a civilized conversation with differing viewpoints.
  16. rgallant

    Overlanding with an EV

    @EV-offroad for me range is more an issue of there is notstandard for how it is calculated among manufacturers - leading to a lot of the range anxiety. It should a solid test across every maker, not marketing tool by some (Telsa). That is good news on the Ioniq battery that is how they all...
  17. rgallant

    Overlanding with an EV

    @EV-offroad 12-15 year for a battery is a pipe dream, that tech is not new and battery functional lifetimes are pretty well known, the 5-7 year life time is currently accurate. While the battery may be usable beyond that range will start drop dramatically. Good battery management software and...
  18. rgallant

    How to keep Jerry cans from freezing

    The military used gas ones a 1000 years ago when I was a young man made a hell of boom if you got too much gas in before lighting, but the would heat a 45 gal of water in no time
  19. rgallant

    Is Electro-Overlanding a thing yet?

    @DintDobbs that is the other elephant in the room, the used EV's market will be for 5 to 8 year old vehicles, after that they will be scrapped. The cost of battery replacement will be too high for viable replacement, the current batteries are too dependent on a limited supply or relatively rare...
  20. rgallant

    Going it alone, or not?

    I travel both with groups and alone, but prefer alone. Like @ZombieCat I like to move at my own pace and stop where I like.